Sunniva Moon

Just your everyday, Raen girl wanting to make the world a bit brighter.

About Me

Name: Sunniva Moon
Age: 23
Birthday: 23rd Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
Favorite Color: Yellow
Likes: Sweets, nature, cooking, tea, dancing
Dislikes: Bitter food, mean people, licorice, large groups
Hair Color: Ginger
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5'2" (159cm)
    ✨Hello, my little starshines!
    ✨With me, you get the sun and the moon!
    ✨Take my hand, I'll guide you through the stars.

In the beginning...

   Every Au'ra grows up with their parents talking about the story between the Dawn Father and the Dusk Mother. My mother being one of those many parents, she always read me stories about what kind of love can bloom and burst from the stars between a Raen and an Xaela, despite all odds and differences as they were created in loving image with a single similarity in mind. Through her stories, I learned that differences can be overcome, and although the world is full of evil and darkness, love always finds a way to build a blinding path.

   My mother, Celeste, grew up in a small village, closed off to most of the world. As she grew, so did her adventuring spirit. She wanted to know more beyond the walls of which that confined her, to taste every food of every culture, and learn many things, including how to love. Love was a thing my mother dreamt about, the kind of love that burned brighter than Hydaelyn's light and Menphina's love combined. And so she set off, leaving everything she knew behind in search of knowledge and adventure. She wanted stories to tell her future children. She even changed her name, originally Hoshizuki.

   My father, Nyamjargal, grew up quite the opposite of my mother. Sheltered, but not in the same way. Fighting was common where he grew up, and although he had a knack for the bow, his parents wanted something different for him, and so did he. Though most people in his homeland felt like fighting was a way of life, he, too, wanted more. He felt as if differences could be solved with words than fists. Not many agreed with his mindset, and so he set off, in search of his new home, and hopefully his own Nhaama.

   Sitting down at the end of the night with a cup of tea was always a tradition my mother held with me. She would tell me stories about endless nights with my father, who unfortunately passed away when I was still a baby. Although I have not many memories of him, his love for my mother showed every day through her eyes, her smile, and her laugh. She used to tell me how my father would tell her that she was the stars to his night sky, hence why she changed her name to Celeste. Now, as both parents have been returned to Dawn Father and Dusk Mother, basked in Hydaelyn's love, I can only help but wonder if I will ever find my Azim.

On my own...

     After my mother died, I honestly didn't know what to do. My best friend for my entire life, the woman who raised me, seen every side of me, was gone. Although she had seen me reach adulthood, she would never fully see the woman I would eventually become to be. I wanted to be just like her. I wanted to begin to change the world, like she had dreamt of. A dream both she and my father both wanted.
     My whole life, I had been around the conjurer guild in Gridania, the place I had also always called home. My mother had taught me to respect everything around me, from an ever growing tree to the stars above. And so, once she was gone, I decided to follow in her footsteps. Nature was always teaching us, showing us how to be patient, and as such, nature should be respected and loved.
     Even though it provides us with the necessities to live, we had seen from the Sixth and the Seventh Umbral Calamity how nature reacts to man-made problems. Just as conjurers call upon our star for assistance, we should always heed their call when they require our help.
     It was during my hardships that I embraced the teachings of Hydaelyn, Menphina, and my magicks. My respect for nature brings me resolve, which in turn fuels me with the ability to help those I love from even the brink of death, and guide them through the darkness the world plunders each and every one of us into.

And so, my starshines...

     These past few years have honestly been a blur. I've met so many people that helped me along in my journey. I've visited places I've never thought I'd see, experienced people and cultures beyond my imagination. So many people I've met along my journey. I've grown in ways I never thought was possible. Every day, I get to wake up and do exactly what I want to do, knowing that up in the heavens my parents are proud of me.
     Although I am not much of an adventurer anymore, I still offer my assistance to any traveler I see while out gathering. I even offer my assistance to those who still have that adventuring spirit, by gathering what I can to cook them a warm meal that they can either enjoy with others or on the road. My mother always said that food is always the best way to fuel one's heart, aether, body and mind. I pour all my love into my food, so that even in the darkest of nights in the coldest part of the star, warmth can always be found.
     I still carry that tradition my mother passed on to me, always finding time to settle down at night with a cup of tea. Be it under the stars in the comfort of my apartment, or in a tent in the vastness of the open land, I always recall back to the stories of my mother during this peaceful time.
     Enough about me, my little starshine. What tales do you have to share?

For all of my starshines!

Ah, yes. These photos! I love them, so, so much! Which one is your favorite?

Oh, these photos?

Oh, these? Well, uhm..they're not for everyone.OOC Note: These photos are NSFW. As such they are automatically blurred if you made a mistake. That said, it is advised you are 18 of age or older to view them. They are not full NSFW, but the warning is still there. Continue at your own discretion.


I just want to start off these OOC F.A.Qs by stating I am not always in character. If you would like to start RP with me, please establish that but I will automatically assume you are approaching me OOCly. I love to enjoy the game in all of its styles, so to do RP, please discuss with me first.

What do you offer?

Right now, I am currently offering the following:

  • Roleplay with the ability to do multi-paragraph, singular lines, serious, mature and casual. For themes, please discuss it with me. I can work with you! For "mature" roleplays, please see the following for interest:

  • Healing (WHM)

  • Gathering (BTN & MIN) requests (within reason)

  • Cooking (CUL) requests (within reason)

  • Simple companionship. I really don't mind just chatting as people.

How long have you been RPing for?

I have over a decade of roleplay experience. I have roleplayed anything from text RP to TTRPG style roleplay such as Vampire of the Masquerade, Shadowrunner, Dungeons & Dragons, and Starfinder. I have also done voice RP such as GTAVRP and RDR2 RP. I do not do voice RP anymore, and am strictly text RP now. I am, however, still fairly new to FFXIV RP. As long as you are willing to be patient with me as I navigate the tools and etiquette of FFXIVRP, I would love to talk with you.

What languages do you speak?

I am a native English speaker. Sorry!

What is your availability?

I am currently located in the midwest United States and so my timezone is UTC -6:00 / -5:00. Right now, I am UTC-5. My state observes daylight savings time in the United States. I will try and update this as my timezone shifts so you have update to date time. That said, I operate on Elemental, Tonberry playerbase time. So, I am usually awake when everyone else is awake.

What all do you play?

Right now, I only play Sunniva. I likely will only play Sunniva.

How long have you been playing?

I started playing back in March of 2023. Back then, I was in Aether, on Jenova specifically. That is the North American Data Center. I played for a few months but then in August of 2023, I took a long break from the game. It was only until early June of 2024 did I return. I was halfway through Shadowbringer, so up until two days before Dawntrail released publically, I just grinded the rest of Shadowbringer content, then Endwalker. I got to enjoy two full days of Dawntrail pre-release. I have completed it in its entirety as of right now.
        It wasn't until mid/early July of 2024 did I switch to Elemental, Kujata. In the late July 2024 update to the game, where a lot of the worlds became uncongested, I switched over to Tonberry. I have enjoyed Elemental so much more than Aether.

Where can I find you?

Right now, you mind find me at the Little Comet maid cafe, every other Friday from 9PM-12AM GMT+8!


If it hasn't been made clear, I am an adult. I am a grown woman. And although I have a lot of time, there are still things I like to do. I don't like hopping straight into RP. I like to discuss it, flesh things out. I do have a Discord, however I prefer to get to know one another before I give that out. I am perfectly fine roleplaying in the game or in Discord. Please respect my boundaries. I am very friendly person otherwise, so please do not be afraid to ask.